Canada Post Strike and Your Bill

Even during the Canada Post strike, your bill is still due. If you don’t receive your bill in the mail, here’s how you can check the amount owing: • Call us at 780-542-4808 • Email us at, please include your name and account number. • To avoid further disruptions you can sign up for…

Please update your contact information

It is important the Evergreen has the most up-to-date and information on how to contact you in the event of an emergency or notification of operations and maintenance. Please follow the link to a PDF file to update you information or just vie us a call at 780-542-4808. Contact Information Form – Evergreen Gas Co-op…

Natural Gas Rebate for October

The government of Alberta has initiated a rebate program on natural gas for the months of October until March. A rebate will be applied if the highest Alberta price is above $6.50/gigajoule. The rebate is limited to customers that consume less that 2,500 gigajoules per year which includes most residential services. There will not be…

Upcoming Leak Detection Survey

As part of our inspection and maintenance program, Elite Line Locating will be performing leak detection on parts of our system near Tomahawk and Lodgepole in June. Efforts will be made to notify landowners when they are working in the area. We are legally required to perform leak detection and right-of-way patroling every year on…

Now Accepting Credit Card Payments

We are not accepting credit cards for payments on gas accounts and invoices. We use a service called Optionpay which was originally developed for Alberta Registries and is now used by many municipalities and Gas Co-ops. In the past Evergreen decided against allowing credit card payments due to the cost associated with processing the payments.…

We donated to local schools

Evergreen Gas Co-op was happy that we were able to give back to the community by donating to five area schools. The board of directors, on behalf of the members, voted to donate to the schools lunch programs. The donations were well received and wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of our membership.